Schraubenset Stahl
8,25 €*
Set Inhalt Senkkopfschraube Stahl: 30 Stk. M3x5, 11 Stk. M3x6, 19 Stk. M3x6, 6 Stk. M3x12
Gewindestifte Stahl
5,00 €*
Set Inhalt Gewindestifte mit Innensechskant Stahl:10 Stk. M3x3, 1 Stk. M3x5, 4 Stk. M3x6, 23 Stk. M3x8, 20 Stk. M3x10, 8 Stk. M3x12
Straight Plate MTC
21,95 €*
The MSE straight plate is made to assemble all bulkhead´s aline to the chassis center line. It connects not only left and right but also front and rear.It is easy to use even in between run´s. It helps for a proper assembly and prevents any unusual behave of the car.It is recommended to use in combination with the tweak stick (MA2501).The kit and optional parts are not part of the set and are for illustrative purposes only
Tweakstick MTC
47,45 €*
The MSE carbon tweak stick is made to pin the car down onto a flat surface with one hand, while tightening the upperdeck screw´s with the other hand. This process will take out chassis tweak and prevents any unusual behave of the car.It is recommended to use in combination with the straight plate (MA2500).The kit and optional parts are not part of the set and are for illustrative purposes only